Sunday, January 19, 2025
HomeHealth & FitnessExerciseRegular Exercise For The Seniors For Healthy Living

Regular Exercise For The Seniors For Healthy Living

An active lifestyle is the secret behind a long, healthy and disease-free life.

Do you know what wonders an adherence to regular physical activities can do for your health? As you age, keeping active can help you stay away from: Heart disease, High blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis or thinning of the bones and obesity.

Regular exercise can help you to beat depression due to loneliness in the retirement years, reduce anxieties, have an undisturbed sleeping pattern and make you feel good in general.

Keeping active may not be that easy for many men, as well as women, approaching their middle age or retirement days. This is the time you may find that your physical abilities are gradually diminishing.

It is truly upsetting to see the youngsters having a blast smashing the beach volleyball, while you do not feel confident enough to jump in! You should not give up.

Beat the old age ailments by resorting to regular exercise that will definitely not transport you back to your twenties, but will help you to live as a fit and active older man, who keeps a disease-free body and a youthful mind!

There is no alternative to regular exercise if you do not want the diseases like diabetes or osteoporosis with their debilitating effects in your retired days when there are so many things to enjoy in these golden years.

Only you should know the right amount and correct exercises and activities that you can do. You have to learn how to successfully incorporate the new kind of exercises suitable for your age and how to shed the ones that may prove too costly for your older constitution.

–     First of all, consult a professional instructor to help you map out the suitable exercises for you. He will also explain the old age anatomy so that you can clearly identify your limits relating to certain physical activities.

–     With age, you naturally develop muscular atrophy. You have to take up more activities than those used to keep you in shape when you were younger.

The bones are also no longer strong like before and run a greater risk of fractures. That is why you should be careful when taking up any physical activity.

–     So you must accept the fact that your body has changed over the years! Even if you remained active all through your youth, your body is no longer capable of taking up the physical strains that used to keep you up to your fullest vitality.

Now, you have to think twice before you start a new kind of exercise and have to consult a fitness expert first.

Your body no longer can adapt to the increased activity level. You will have to gradually increase the exercise activity level over a span of time.

–     Choose the kind of exercise with discretion. The level of exercise should depend on your current physical condition and how far you can take your body.

If you have always been an active person, it will be possible for you to easily switch to another range of activities.

If your activity level has not been that good, you may have to incorporate the exercise regimen into your life a bit slower.

–     For elderly people, any aerobic exercise for 20 to 40 minutes, twice or thrice a week, backed up by strength training at the same interval, constitutes the ideal set of exercises.

–     You should take into consideration of pain and stop immediately if it is severe and acute.

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