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HomeRecreationFishing and BoatingLearning The Lakes - Bass Fishing In New Water

Learning The Lakes – Bass Fishing In New Water

For thousands of bass fishing enthusiasts the thrill of discovering a great location for catching fish can almost equal the thrill of catching one.

If you are new to bass fishing or if you are planning to fish in a new location, you will find more success with this simple plan to find the best fishing wherever you go!

STEP ONE: Research the lake.

Whether you’re participating in a tournament or just spending the day fishing in a new area, nothing can help you find the right spots to fish like doing a little research.

Maps of the area can give you a good start. You may also find information about your location in magazines or websites dedicated to bass fishing. The more you know about the area the better you can plan your day and (hopefully) make the best catches.

STEP TWO: Get experienced input.

Finding an experienced guide to accompany you on your first fishing day on a new body of water can provide you the optimum support for finding the best fishing spots as well as guidance for the best techniques to use in that water.

Seasons and fishing cycles will also affect the fishing and an experienced guide will be familiar with the changes that occur in fishing patterns in that water.

Don’t think that you shouldn’t use a guide simply because you’re an accomplished bass fisher in your own right.

Guides who are familiar with the local area can improve your chances for success immensely. However, if you cannot find a guide you can still find good information from local fishing equipment supply stores – although they may be giving the same information to other out-of-town fishers who may crowd the same spots.

If you are preparing for a tournament you will want to have unbiased information lest the guide be in competition with you. Doing your own research and testing the lake before competition is still very important.

STEP THREE: Know where to look.

Learning about your ‘quarry’ will help you locate the best fishing spots regardless of whether you are familiar with the water or not.

Since bass like to stay close to objects rather than stay in open water you should try angling near rocks, trees or other cover.

Depending on the weather and factors such as feeding times or breeding, your fish may be more or less likely to gravitate to particular areas of the lake. Learning about their habits will help you select the best areas and techniques.

STEP FOUR: Remain adaptable.

While research, a guide and an understanding of the habits of bass will all help you locate your fish, you should still remain adaptable.

Changing lures, weights and areas frequently if the fish are not biting will provide you with hands on research that will build with your experience.

Fish will not all be in the same place doing the same thing so be patient and enjoy the search while planning for the best catch yet!

STEP FIVE: Fish safely

It is very important that you are safe while bass fishing in new lake. This can make a complete pleasurable adventure and yet successful fishing.

To fish safely, ensure you wear lifejacket irrespective of where you are fishing; either from the shore or boat.

Also, ensure you have an exit strategy. This will ensure you exit successfully from beaches or rocks and as well return the bass from its origin and in all, land safely.

Another important safety tip is that you should always fish with someone. It can be your friend or relatives. If however, you choose to fish alone, ensure your relatives or friends know exactly where you are.

STEP SIX: Fool the fish with red

Generally, red lures bass. Red makes the fish think the bait is injured so they can quickly eat the bait all up.

Therefore, use baits like red hooks on crank bait or use spinner bait with red head in clumps of grasses, wood, etc. or other forms of shallow cover to fool the fish.

STEP SEVEN: Match the hatch

Bass in varieties of local water has different forage they feed on. Therefore, discover the forage the bass in your local water feed on and then match the hatch.  Choose a lure or bait that imitates or mimics the bass’s prey.

Generally, bass are barbarians and have varieties of diet like bluegill, shad as well as other kinds of baitfish and they can even consume baby ducks.

For instance, if the bass in your local water feeds on minnows, you can construct a lure imitation with a drop shot rig with a little plastic. Also, if they feed on shad, you can throw in silver colored crank bait.

STEP EIGHT: Consider the lake condition

Sometimes, the use of electronic devices to check out the condition of the lake can disappoint when locating fish.

It is important however to consider at all times of the year, how the bass stage and what you might face when you are out in the water. This can get you ready of any lake condition as it comes.

STEP NINE: Fish early or late

At dusk or dawn are the two best period to fish for bass. This is because at these times, the fishes come out to feed.

You can consider what works best for you. Some persons might consider spending the whole day on the beach while others would prefer going before the first light or after dark.

STEP TEN: Save torn worms

Sometimes, plastic worms get shredded. When this happens, do not just throw them away; save them. Bass is notorious for ambushing its prey that gets wounded, so, use a torn up worm to get to the bass especially if the water is shallow.

STEP ELEVEN: Examine the temperature of the water

Every time of the year has a temperature it is known for even though they can change at any time. The temperature of the water has a way of affecting the feeding and general activities of the bass.

In cooler water, it is advised that slower moving bait be thrown while in warmer water, a more aggressive and faster moving bait should be used.

Generally, the kind of bait or lure used at a particular temperature will determine the amount of fish in your boat after the whole adventure.

STEP TWELVE: Adhere to rules

There are always rules in any local water as to retaining bass. Therefore, when you go bass fishing, strictly adhere to such rules.

It is advised that very big fishes should be returned to the water because they help reproducing more fishes. Also, the fish to be kept should be above a minimum of 42cm.

Final words

Bass fishing in new water is quite an adventurous experience. With persistence, you can make quite a catch.

Bass is an irritable fish and requires lots of tapping on different angles to actually be able to get a bite on your bait or lure.

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