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HomeHow ToHow To Take Care Of Horses And Groom Them

How To Take Care Of Horses And Groom Them

Horses must definitely be considered as more than pets. Taking care of horses is time-consuming and should be considered as a real commitment.

Horses are at the same time strong and delicate animals, both physically and psychologically.

It is essential to learn how to take care of your horse. This will make you and your horse happier and will avoid all unnecessary expenses.

Always, check that the horse is in good health by paying attention to vital signs such as good appetite, for a horse that turns away from feeding could be giving signs of illness.

Your horse should also have free and fluid movements with a spring in its step and stand firmly on all four legs. The horse’s coat must be shiny and supple. This is a sign that it is in a healthy condition.

Another important physical check is to look at its teeth and gums, make sure they are also in good condition.

Take special care on what you feed your horse and how much exercise it may need. Horses are trickle feeders, so feed them small amounts but often.

Make sure they have plenty of clean freshwaters. This is vital for their well-being. Horses are fussy about their water; a horse may not drink if the water is not crystal clear!

It is also important to keep a routine in your horse’s feeding habits; the amount it eats is according to its temperament and physical condition. Feed it a high fibre diet using good quality, dust-free forage.

Your horse will need to be kept in a comfortable and safe place, his stable should be kept clean and be spacious, he will need bedding such as straw or shavings. The comfort of a stable is very important, as remember this is its home.

Make sure there are suitable pastures for your horse to feed in and arenas to provide plenty of exercises.

Grooming your horse is a daily routine, essential for the good health of your horse’s coat and its health in general. Grooming keeps the coat glossy and clean but is also vital to stimulate circulation; while carefully grooming your horse you can check its overall condition at the same time.

Try to establish a fixed routine, for horses feel safe if you keep regular and pre-established habits. It is best to start with your horse’s hooves, remove all the mud and stones that are stuck in them with a hoof pick, by lifting the hoof up and picking the underside.

Hooves need particular attention, for anything stuck under the hooves may cause infections and later lead to other problems. Next start brushing out the horse’s tail, make sure you do this daily; you will avoid difficult tangles if you do it regularly.

Now groom the horse’s body, get rid of any mud or hair with a ‘curry’ comb; once you have thoroughly passed it all along its body, change the brush and use a ‘dandy’ brush. This brush is used for surface dirt and dry mud.

After having accomplished the combing and brushing process you can pass the stable rubber, this polishes the horse’s coat and makes your horse shine nicely.

When you have finished grooming your horse, take care to wash the brushes and combs with soap, do not use detergents for they will irritate the horse’s skin, next time you groom it.

Keep in mind that taking care and grooming your horse regularly; will make it a happy and healthier horse to look after!

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