Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeSecurity and SafetyEffective Role Of Security Guards As Social Protectors

Effective Role Of Security Guards As Social Protectors

Why is a security guard posted outside your apartment, the office building, the shopping mall, the bank and most places wherever you visit?

The security guard of course is not kidding around over there. The particular post has a purpose and the person posted has some specific role to play.

Primary Four Roles Played

  1. Detection
  • The first responsibility of the security personnel is to detect whats going on.
  • The security officer is precisely trained to remain alert with eyes and ears open in all directions at least in the proximity. Detecting any deviation from the regular course of actions, he has to promptly act and alarm the authorities.

2. Observation

  • Actually observation and detection walk hand in hand. Which should follow the other is very difficult to state.
  • If the security guard is not a good observer, he will not be able to detect where something wrong is taking place. Again, keen observation leads to correct detection.
  • Good detectors ought to be good observers but good observers might not have the excellent capacity to detect instantly. This requires a practice correlating the observation with detection. A security officer or guard must play both the roles of observer and detector with excellence.

3. Report or Alert

  • After observation and detection, once the security guard has confirmed that something is wrong, he is supposed to alert everyone in the vicinity.
  • Private guards at home will have to report to the proprietor or those who live there. Office security guard will have to report to the authority and immediately come into action.
  • If there is hardly any scope to report, at least blow the siren or any such device so that others become conscious.
  • Ultimately the security guard is responsible to provide you with protection.

4. Prevention and authority

  • A private security officers key role is to protect and prevent any sort of crime from happening.
  • Here there is an interesting theory regarding the security officials. In the normal context you will not associate private security postings with the authority and power of making arrests. But the law and order system does not have a unanimous definition for the power exercise by the security officials. In the United States, the security personnel are responsible for making arrests after reaching the post of county sheriffs.
  • The act to deter is made more authoritative and commanding including challenges when the security guard chases and catches the law breaker and ties the hand cuffs to put the criminal behind bars.
  • Special training’s are conducted to make the security officers fit to conduct the risky activities and fight back in the hour of emergency.
  • Handling of weapons both for offence and defense are trained and directed to be put into effect wherever required. Again misuse of protective tools can put the security officer into a gamut of administrative code of conduct.
  • Violation of rules can call for severe penalization even after holding such an authoritative post. The official responsibility of the security guard is to protect the area where he is on duty. Actions like firing and striking the detected lawbreakers right on sight is not meant for the security officers. They can fire if required but not out of the fancy and fashion of carrying a gun.

Thus the security guard has a bigger role to play as the savior of the society. 

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