Saturday, January 18, 2025
HomeSecurity and SafetyChild Safety Devices For Your Home

Child Safety Devices For Your Home

As you await the arrival of your precious one into your family it makes sense that you prepare properly so that when he is finally there you can have the best of times without having to worry about other things.

For any parents, the issue of child safety is a major concern. At no point of time would any parent compromise on the safety of his or her child.

And since a major chunk of the time that a child spends during his initial years is at his own place it makes all the more sense to get your home safety devices in place and ready. 

Some of the statistics involving child accidents are so startling that installing the safety devices no longer remains an option for you but becomes a necessity.

Here we are just stating two of them. Every year about two and a half million kids across United States are either killed or injured by accidents at home.

And any US kid is more liable to be injured or killed in a swimming pool than by a gun. But the good news is that, if you are careful and if you have taken the proper measures your home can be as safe a place as any for your kid.

If you are not certain as to what devices to install, following is a guide that can be of help to you. It at least would be a start. You can sure follow up on this later. 

The devices 

–     Safety gates:

The safety gates allow toddlers not to enter dangerous areas and thus prevent accidents from happening.

Accidental drowning and burns are the commonest ways in which children get injured.

So, when you don’t want your kid to enter the kitchen while the stove is on, you can definitely do with a safety door at the entrance of your kitchen.

The same applies for your bathroom. With a safety door you need not worry about your little one going in while the bathtub is filling. 

–     Safety locks and latches:

These locks help you to keep your kid away from cupboards and drawers which you don’t want him to get access to.

This way you can avoid the chances of poisoning from medicines or injuries from sharp objects like knives.

–     Outlet covers:

One of the many forms of domestic accidents are those which have to do with electric current. A toddler generally finds anything interesting and electrical outlets are one of those.

With proper covers you can lower the risks of electric shocks.

–     Pool fence:

If you have a pool at your place then you must get yourself a fence. Babies can sometimes avoid your notice and land up at places you can’t even imagine.

And for a bay to be anywhere near a pool without adult supervision is a serious threat. With a pool fence in place you are much more secure.

–     Window guards and safety nettings:

These are extremely useful to prevent injuries if your child falls from windows, balconies or landings.

–     Cordless phone:

Remember how much safety device you may have installed there always remains the possibility that your kid would work around them and might just land himself up in trouble.

It has been documented that kids with that extra bit of determination have disabled the safety devices when they found them to be a obstacle to their normal inquisitive self.

At such times having a cordless phone can be of real help as it allows you to have an eye on him while he moves around.

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