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HomeHealth & FitnessExercise10 Ways To Lose Body Fat & Become Very Fit

10 Ways To Lose Body Fat & Become Very Fit

Losing body fat to become fit can is a lot more difficult than gaining it. In point of fact, many people say it’s one of the many challenging things one can ever handle. However, we have constructed some ideas to help you fight fat if you truly desire to. 

There are some simple and inexpensive ways to lose fat and keep the weight off. Read through these five (5) easy tips to fight unwanted fat causing you overweight.

  1. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits, and more importantly, vegetables are one of the best ways to win the battle against body fat. Fatty foods and foods that have been extensively processed and refined should be replaced with veggies and fresh fruit.

While trying to lose weight, it is useful to limit the amount of fruit to two pieces per day and take it easy with fruit juices because fruit does have higher sugar content than vegetables.

On the other hand, you should be liberal with your choice of most vegetables. Nevertheless, some vegetables, such as potatoes, are high in starch while others, like avocados, are higher in fat.

You should limit the number of vegetables that fit into these particular categories. When eating out, try to choose salad or vegetables over fried, fatty options such as French fries.

2. Drink plenty of water

Water is not only a vital part of everyone’s diet; it is also 100% calorie-free. Most experts suggest drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water per day.

This can help control weight by making sure that you are not confusing hunger with thirst as well as helping to flush away toxins.

This can be difficult at first for those addicted to carbonated and sugary soft drinks, but after a short time, it becomes just a normal part of your routine.

Drink water at least 20 minutes before each meal to help control food intake. Drop a glass of water nearby and sip as you eat. In this way, you can get full in no time and have less calorie intake.

3. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

You should never skip breakfast. Research has shown that a generous and healthy breakfast helps prevent overeating because it influences your appetite for the entire day.

In addition, it helps to control your blood sugar. Again, you should avoid sugary food such as many of the commercial, refined cereals and try to move towards whole grain cereals and bran.

Eat breakfast loaded with healthy proteins such as dairy products, oatmeal, meat, and other necessary nutrients that will help you feel fuller all through the day.

Always start your day with a well-balanced breakfast, you might be lured to eating prepackaged pastry at noontime when you feel so hungry, and you end up consuming excess calories.

4. Avoid starving yourself

Very low-calorie diets can trick your body into entering a starvation mode which actually makes it more difficult to lose fat.

Even worse these kinds of diets are impossible to maintain long-term and when you come off the diet you may put on more weight than when you started (hence the term yo-yo dieting).

By all means, reduce your food intake to sensible portion sizes, but don’t starve yourself. Note that whenever you starve, the metabolic rate of your body system becomes slow, and conserves the next meal you eat as fat.

So, thinking that when you starve, you get thinner or rather lose fat is a hefty mistake. The simple truth is that your body will almost certainly store as much fat as possible, should in case you skip more meals.

Even if you notice a shorter fat loss when you starve, it will create problems that require long-term methods. Do not starve yourself in the name of fighting fat.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise is another lifestyle choice that you should try to make a habit. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to take out a gym membership, but it does mean avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

As noted before, there is a limit to the reduction in calories that you can consume before you start to see diminishing returns.

Therefore, the other weapon in your arsenal is to increase calorie consumption through exercise. You should include both cardiovascular and resistance exercise types in your routine.

Resistance or weight-training is important because it helps to build and strengthen muscle tissue, which burns calories from your normal metabolic processes at a higher rate than other tissues.

6. Get enough sleep

A great amount of sleep daily can help you fight fat. Sounds crazy right? Inadequate sleep can trigger overindulging and consumption of high caloric foods, carbs, and fat.

Studies reveal that people who do not sleep properly at night have an increased level of food cravings hormone, which encourages binging. And overindulging has a negative impact on the weight of such people.

Therefore, to overcome excess fat storage in the body that causes overweight, get at least 7 – 8 hours of sleep every day.

Proper sleep doesn’t fight fat directly but helps prevent excess weight gain, over time, leads to weight reduction caused by excess fat.

7. Have your dinner 3 hours before bedtime

Do not go to bed immediately after dinner. The appropriate time to eat night meal is 3 hours before resting.

You should know that anything you eat before sleeping isn’t going to digest, instead, it’ll be converted to excess fat as you sleep.

Usually, enjoy your meal several hours before going to bed. If eventually, you feel hungry again before you retire to bed, drink normal water to feel full in order to maintain a healthy weight and avoid the accumulation of fat.

8. Practice yoga

Yoga is a type of physical activity that lets you lose fat by burning calories. Practicing yoga on a daily basis will not just trim down fat in your body, but will also make you flexible and fit.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you ought to hit the gym daily. On your own and in the comfort of your home, you can practice different poses of yoga.

Try out child’s pose, cobra pose, dolphin pose or bridge yoga pose, and see how they can wonder in fat reduction. These poses help in heavy breathing in and out, which in turn reduces accumulated fat.

9. Avoid eating processed carbs

Reduce the intake of carbohydrate foods, especially processed o refined carbs. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as white bread, sweet desserts, pasta, pastries, pizza dough, white flour, etc. are major agents for fat accumulation.

Processed carbohydrate foods are usually sweet and they digest quickly, giving you the desire to have more, but they can do more harm than good to your weight.

Steer clear of all kinds of processed foods. Go for fresh and whole grains, usually the low-carb diets if you want to fight excess fat completely.

10. Track your daily caloric intake

Track the number of calories you consume on a daily basis. First of all, you need to identify the recommended calories for healthy weight maintenance, and then reduce the intake if it’s far beyond.

Remember, everything that goes into your mouth adds up to your calories, including the little bites from children’s food but most times we tend to ignore.

Now that you are reading this, keep track of whatever you eat daily to make sure you’re on the right track of daily calorie recommendation.

Bottom Line

These are simple steps, which, to be honest, most people already know. The key is putting them into action, and then, enjoy the feeling of accomplishment as you see the fat go.

Believe me, it’s possible to fight fat to become fit and feel good with these tips. Now, that you have the correct information, work hard to apply them, then, fat reduction is at arm’s reach.

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